Tuesday, July 3

day 12 - can you get a hangover from sleep deprivation?

me & sunbeams
Originally uploaded by lawatt
the weather started to improve on day 12, although still not smooth -- here's what I wrote in my journal around 5pm:
"sleep levels felt good last night but crashed this morning. I feel like I've been sleepwalking all day. everything feels damp, even when it isn't. wind got light and fluky for a while today, and the sun even came out a little, but now it's back to grey swells and wind."

noontime posiition on june 18: 35° 19' N, 132° 42' W -- 24-hour log at 131 nautical miles, so we were getting our speed back slowly -- 514 n.m. to go til we get home.

after writing the above in my journal, I went up to the cockpit and announced that I felt exactly like I had a hangover, even though we'd hardly drunk any alcohol for two weeks -- the tiredness from our rough weather days produced exactly the same feeling. and Mouse decided that we needed the hair of the invisi-dog to recover, so she and David and I each had a Tecate & chewed some beef jerky -- that was dinner for monday, but oddly, the combination left me feeling much better again, and ready for nightwatch.

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