Friday, July 6

day 15 - a real sunrise!

Originally uploaded by lawatt
day 15 (thursday june 21, the summer solstice and my half-birthday) brought a surprise -- an actual sunrise! it'd been so overcast for days and days, this was almost startling to see... the fog layer soon returned for the rest of the morning, but oddly burned off as we got closer and closer to the california coast -- sort of the opposite of what we might have expected.

our cooking gas ran out in the middle of david's preparation of some delicious hash browns, but a reserve tank of gas saved the day... and the wind picked up again, up to about 20 knots, but we kept the motor on anyway, so eager to get home! and later in the morning coastal birds began to appear again -- i recorded the first seagull sighting at 11:30am.

noontime position: 37° 33' N, 123° 32' 5" W, and only 52 miles to go to Richmond Yacht Club, our final destination -- and we'd covered 171 nautical miles in the past 24 hours, despite very little wind -- running the engine at higher RPMs in hopes that we'd reach the bay before dark, so Mouse could see the Golden Gate as we sailed under it...

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