Monday, July 2

day 9 -- fish on -- again!!!

fish on -- again!!!
Originally uploaded by lawatt
of course, go figure, while we are gorging ourselves on the utterly beautiful ahi sushi, I looked back and literally watched as a silvery shape floated up to the day-glo octopus lure and... fish on!! in this photo you can see me trying to steer the boat straight while David reels the thing in, and Tim guards the remaining sushi from any harm...

it was another ahi, just as gorgeous as the first -- so strange to see it flopping around in the same cockpit as its buddy who'd already become a plate of sushi! so he went straight into the freezer after being cleaned -- we'd eaten enough fresh fish for one night already!

I think day 9 was my favorite day of the whole trip, everything just felt so easy and right -- as I said in my journal, it was an unqualified Good Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.