Wednesday, June 27

day 1 - heading out

heading out
Originally uploaded by lawatt
And here were are, heading out of Pearl Harbor at last.

I just realized that I should provide some key background to this voyage, which chronicles the delivery of s/v Siderno, a Beneteau 473, from Pearl Harbor on Oahu back to San Francisco. Siderno competed in last year's Pacific Cup (race from SF to Hawaii), coming in second in her division, and has then spent a year hanging out in Hawaii -- but now it's time to come home.

I flew to Hawaii on tuesday June 5. along with fellow crew David Parker, and we were met by our skipper Tim Murison -- and spent the next day & half buying provisions and fuel and aloha shirts, and generally getting ready for departure -- as well as doing a brief bit of touring around the island. if anyone is interested in seeing my hawaii photos, they can be found here on Flickr (along with rest of the photos from this trip):

but I'll keep this blog focused on the actual sailing trip.

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