Friday, June 29

day 6/day 7 - foam

Originally uploaded by lawatt
our midnight to 3am nightwatch between day 6 and 7 was another wonderful one -- completely clouded over, it felt like we were sailing through a Rothko painting, the world divided into black sky above and even blacker sea below -- i had a friend's album in my earphones, one I hadn't listened to in years but somehow it seemed perfect, as if it was written like a soundtrack for this little scene of sailing on a dark ocean, hundreds of miles from the nearest land... and just as the music was ending, near the end of our watch, David pointed over the side: we'd gotten into our first phosphorescent plankton, the motion of the boat causing them to sparkle and twinkle, like tiny stars caught in the foam rushing past -- so beautiful, especially on a night with no stars of its own!

(this photo was taken on day 7 in regular daylight, so no sparkles, but perhaps your imagination can fill them in...)

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